The concept of INS values is borrowed from Dr. Robert McDaniel's book, "Essentially Soap." He in turn borrowed it from an unattributed source. In any event, what he says is that an oil's INS value is based on its SAP value and iodine value, and that a soap's INS is the weighted average of the INS values of its constituent oils. What does that mean to you? Probably not much. The important thing is that (as related by Dr. Bob) the 'ideal' INS value to shoot for when formulating a soap recipe is 160. Now remember: 160 is only the ideal. Most recipes, even really excellent ones, won't be at an INS of 160. The majority of the ones I've looked at are in the mid 140's or low 150's. The INS value's real utility is as a sort of rough gauge of how well your recipe is balanced. In other words, if your recipe's INS is much above or way below 160, you might want to take another look at things. Note that the INS calculation is not done for liquid soap recipes. Dear 上文有說明 INS和碘值成反比 碘價反應油脂不飽和度 碘值愈高,油脂的不飽和度就愈大,用在肥皂上的油,超過100的油脂,用量不宜過高. 相關的數值 酯值=皂化價-酸價 酯值可算出油脂中脂肪酸和甘油的含量 油脂中脂肪酸含量(%)=100-酯值*0.0226 甘油含量(%)=酯值*0.0547 手工皂不必想那麼多啦~ 倒是皂友經常引用一個數值 說手工皂中甘油含量高達25%...~~ 有點那個~~呵呵
INS Values of Recipes
- May 04 Sun 2008 07:18